GoJak-4107 主要用于轻型飞机的移动千斤顶

GoJak-4107 主要在轻型飞机上使用的移动千斤顶

GoJak 4107型号是主要在轻型飞机上使用的自行装载小型车轮组件的理想工具。 手柄的极端角度允许从身体部位和挡泥板盖板获得最大的间隙。 手动操作使您可以轻松地直接使用踏板操作更难的机翼下。

GoJak 4107型可处理重达1025磅的轮胎,轮胎直径从7 1/2到22英寸不等,宽度可达7英寸。 内置的线性棘轮提供平稳和受控的升降轮胎。 该装置使用四个3英寸双滚珠滚道脚轮,并且可以在右手和左手配置中使用。

Model G4107

Max Aircraft Weight – 4100 lbs
Max Tire Width – 7″
Casters – (4) 3″ GF Nylon ANSI 2012 Cert
Rollers – (2) 1″ Diameter Steel Roller per Axle

The model 4107 is the perfect tool for self loading smaller wheel assemblies primarily found on light aircraft. The extreme angle of the handle allows for maximum clearance from body parts and fender covers. Hand operation enables you to easily use directly under wings where pedal operation would be more difficult.
The Model 4107 can handle wheel weights up to 1025 pounds, tires ranging from 7 1/2 to 22 inches in diameter and widths up to 7 inches wide. The built in linear ratchet provides smooth and controlled lifting and lowering of tires. The unit uses four, 3 inch double ball raceway casters and is available in right and left hand configurations.